Autodesk Inventor  2013 for Designers
Sham Tickoo
, Purdue University Calumet 
Published by CADCIM Technologies, USA

ISBN: 978-1-936646-22-7
Paperback, 880 Pages

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This textbook introduces the reader to Autodesk Inventor 2013, the world's leading parametric solid modeling software. In this textbook, the author emphasizes on the solid modeling techniques that improve the productivity and efficiency of the users. Also, the chapters are structured in a pedagogical sequence that makes this textbook very effective in learning the features and capabilities of the software. The following are some additional useful features of this book.

This textbook consists of 18 pedagogically sequenced chapters covering the Part, Assembly, Drafting, Presentation, Sheet Metal, and Weldment environments of Autodesk Inventor 2013 including Inventor Fusion. Each new section begins with a command section that provides a brief information of the Autodesk Inventor tools discussed in that section. Every chapter provides you with the tutorials that are created using these commands. This approach allows the user to use this textbook initially as a learning tool and then later as a reference material..

Following are the additional features of this book:
   Detailed explanation of Autodesk Inventor 2013 commands and tools
   More than 54 real-world mechanical engineering designs as tutorials and projects with step-by-step explanation
   Emphasis on Why and How with explanation
   Tips and Notes throughout the textbook
   880 pages pages with heavily illustrated text
   Self-Evaluation Tests, Review Questions, and Exercises at the end of each chapter
Brief Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Drawing Sketches for Solid Models
Chapter 3: Adding Constraints and Dimensions to Sketches
Chapter 4: Editing, Extruding, and Revolving the Sketches
Chapter 5: Other Sketching and Modeling Options
Chapter 6: Advanced Modeling Tools-I
Chapter 7: Editing Features and Adding Automatic Dimensions to Sketches
Chapter 8: Advanced Modeling Tools-II
Chapter 9: Assembly Modeling-I
Chapter 10: Assembly Modeling-II
Chapter 11: Working with Drawing Views-I
Chapter 12: Working with Drawing Views-II
Chapter 13: Presentation Module
Chapter 14: Working with Special Design Tools
Chapter 15: Working with Sheet Metal Components
Chapter 16: Introduction to Weldments
Chapter 17: Miscellaneous Tools
Chapter 18: Introduction to Inventor Fusion

Evaluation Chapters of Autodesk Inventor 2013 for Designers textbook (zipped pdf files)   c01_inv_2013_eval    c02_inv_2013_eval      c03_inv_2013_eval
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Inventor Files (zipped files)
Part, assembly, drawing, and presentation files used in illustrations and tutorials.
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Tutorials   c03_inv_2013_tut        c04_inv_2013_tut      c05_inv_2013_tut
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